Let's start
by telling you that the role and conception of Peruvian women has radically
changed in the globalized world over the years and this is due to the fact that
in ancient Peru, women were dedicated to working from home and were also
assigned exclusively to housework and to the care of their children. Children,
this was what society used to do to maintain a social order. On the other hand,
in the political sphere, Peruvian women could not cast a vote until September 7,
1956, which was on that date that the female vote in Peru was approved during
the government of Manuel A. Odría, who promulgated the Law N ° 12391 that only
allowed adult and literate women to have the right to choose and be elected,
being the penultimate country in Latin America to grant this right.
However, women in today’s society are an example of intelligence and strength, which is reflected in the ability to overcome the challenges of discrimination against us. Despite the fact that we consider ourselves to be an egalitarian and tolerant society, there is still male chauvinists, who keep us in the margins; they ignore the fact that women are as capable as men, to assume the responsibilities, obligations and activities that we set out to do because we are able to think, discern and decide on different circumstances. And it is that just as there have been radical changes over time, there are still some stereotypes that women have for years, such as their physical characteristics, where it is sought that the woman has the "perfect body", and this we get to see everywhere, from street panels to television. Just as there are streotypes, prejudices also continue, in jobs, where there is a great disadvantage with the opposite gender, there are even cases in which women are paid less than men. Nowadays we see how it is that women are victims of sexual, physical and psychological violence, which is becoming more and more worrying, and it is pitiful to see how the victim becomes the possible culprit in those situations.
Women are not a weak gender as they say out there, we are a power that could achieve a lot and defend their rights to be free and not depend on anyone. Women deserve the same rights as men, they deserve respect, stop seeing them as a sexual object, as an object that belongs to someone, because women go beyond that, they have fought for all the things they have now and that they must have had from the beginning.