Role of Women in the 21st century

Today women are leading in every field and society whether it be sports, commerce and industry, education, health, politics, technology, navy, army, agriculture. Due to advancement in the field of science and technology and the active involvement of women in it we have been able to overcome the evils of our society which were prevalent in our religion, caste and territory and were a danger for the world's peace. Now people are making maximum utilization of available resources for their well-being and for the generations to come. We are now a developing country in which women are self dependent, good managers and are making a balance between their family responsibilities and the outside world and have become an earning member of the family and a responsible citizen of the society.

Many years ago, women had fewer opportunities than men, for instance, less access to basic and higher education, greater health and safety risks, and less political representation. For this reason, guaranteeing the rights of women and giving them opportunities to reach their full potential is important not only for attaining gender equality, but also for meeting a wide range of international development goals. Moreover, empowered women and girls in different parts of the world contribute to the health and productivity of their families, communities, and countries that benefits everyone. Many of these women went through different things and stages throughout their lives which made them who they are today, that is why for all their achievements, for their perseverance to move forward, for the fight for their rights, for the love that they have themselves and want to see a world where women are the source of power and be empowered, they today have more opportunities and different ways of seeing things and being able to achieve their goals. Achieving in this way to have much more recognition and to be seen as the fighting woman of these times.

At present, only 10% of the total of the states of the planet, 194 according to the list of those recognized by the United Nations, are led by women; and most of those 194 countries have never had a woman at the head of their government. Fortunately, there are exceptions. The first woman to do so was Sirimavo Bandaranaike, who in 1960 was appointed Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. After her, in the 60s and 70s, this position was held by Indira Gandhi in India. Over the course of these 57 years, the largest number of women heads of government has been registered in Latin America, in countries such as Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica or Trinidad and Tobago, among others.

The woman of the 21st century is a free woman in search of vindication and female empowerment. The woman of this century is the one who chooses what to study, whether we live alone or as a couple, whether we will have children or not, among thousands of other decisions that were not possible a long time ago. Today's women, if we live better but we still cannot speak of a real male-female equality, taking everyday examples such as family life where men, suddenly, forgets about equality and repeats the behaviors that they have done. seen in his family, where the father works and the mother takes care of the house and the children. It is curious the admiration of a "good father" for spending a whole Saturday with the children and the little recognition of the constant work of "the good mother" throughout the week.

Bibliographic references: 

Joglekar, A. (2013). Role of Women in 21st Century. ResearchGate. Retrieved from:

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