"If the 21st century works, it will be because women will have an increasing participation in the organization of society, which is in a deplorable state, is poorly conceived and bears the consequences of a decadent and absurd rationalism. But this mission will only be accepted by women if it does not lead to their dehumanization, if they do not lose their femininity. Because women are the nucleus of the family and the family is the base of society ".
(Professor Juan Antonio Pérez López, former dean of IESE)
The role of women in the companies of this time will be marked by this new reality: women have left the "private sphere" and are present in all industries. However, the private and professional spheres are still completely separated as two incompatible tasks, with serious consequences for the coexistence of men and women and the social structure of the world. Men and women continue to question their personal identity and their role in family and society. The business model that women can help implement from a true humanistic vision of life is more in line with the needs of the times.
In general, female managers tend to encourage participation and attach great importance to interpersonal communication. In managerial positions, women tend to depend more on cooperation than competition. Similarly, women like to promote teamwork among colleagues. Unlike many men, women do not see participation and empowerment as a threat to their authority, but as an indispensable part of their leadership role, because they know how to have power or leadership over the things they propose.
Although men tend to succumb to rationalism and value only quantifiable things, for women, the risk is often to succumb to sentimentality and make the heart better than the mind. This is dangerous for both the company and the women who act this way, because they can end up getting too involved in the personal problems of the people you work with, taking them home and staying with them as if they were your own.
In the decision-making process, men and women complement each other. They often start from reality, abstract concepts and huge theoretical systems. This is evident in work meetings, women are faster, more operational and informal. Men prefer to follow the process and verify the results. Trends and styles of work, decision-making and vision of reality are complementary, so that women can once again bring a specific value to the world of work.
If we also add to this that in the 21st century the driving force will be emotional intelligence, and therefore practical intelligence, then we put back on the table the changes that fall mainly on women, because in this competition they are more obvious in the medium, which often remains at a secondary level in people.
Bibliographic references:
Pérez J. El papel de la mujer en la empresa. https://www.bizkaia.eus/Home2/Archivos/DPTO1/Temas/Pdf/ca_mujerempresa.pdf?hash=306e3bf875eca91f550644acc1f18e99&redirigido=1
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