The image of women on Peruvian TV

In this post, we would like to analyze how women are seen on Peruvian television today in Peruvian society. In a source taken from the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2018), according to a study by CONCORTV (2017), 98% of Peruvian women consume TV from Monday to Friday, 97% surf the internet and 85% listen to the radio.
However, 61% consider TV to be the most sensationalist medium, 57% point out the presence of violent content and 72% think that the news programs take advantage of human pain. Likewise, 63% of women and men consider that women are shown negatively on national television. Regions like Ayacucho (86%), Cusco (79%), Huancayo (70%) and Lima (67%) report the highest percentages regarding this perception. This study also reveals that the male image surpasses the female image in time and in leading roles, where the "not beautiful woman" is mocked, while the "beautiful woman" is exhibited as a decorative figure on the set.
This tells us that in Peru and in Lima society, the image of women is deteriorating and they are seeking recognition for their rights and greater equal treatment. On the other hand, there are programs called "junk tv" that disparage the image of women. It should be noted that there has been, for years now, a National Plan for Gender Equality 2012 - 2017 and the National Plan against Gender Violence 2016 - 2021, implemented by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations - MIMP. However, citizens continue to be complicit in this television material and promote gender inequality.


Bibliographic references:

Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (2018). La imagen de la mujer en la TV peruana. 

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